Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2014-01-23
Biopreparations GREASOLUX

Product designed for grease trap and wastewater treatment


GREASOLUX – is a cartridge that slowly dissolves in water, enriched with special fat dissolvent microorganisms and enzymes.

GREASOLUX cartridges are fabricated of a slowly dissolving matrix inside durable, porous netting. It contains environmentally–safe, naturally-occurring microbes and their enzyme secretions. The microbes are specially selected for their ability to break down (not just dissolve) the organic contaminants common in food preparation wastewaters and domestic water discharges generally.

GREASOLUX is ideal for installation in grease traps, pumping stations or sewer lines experiencing odor problems and/or the buildup of FOG.

GREASOLUX cartridge is designed for easy mooring and retrieval via line or rope in such systems.


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