Powrót do listy produktów Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-03-20
PANAMETRICS AT600 - Przepływomierz Ultradźwiękowy AquaTrans


Wersja polska w opracowaniu.

KONTAKT w PL: +48 607 700 387


GE Panametrics’ AT600 ultrasonic flowmeter combines state-of-the-art flow measurement capability with a rugged, low-cost transmitter package that can be installed right at the process measurement point. It is designed specifically for municipal applications such as water, wastewater and sewage. Setup and service are easily accomplished by using the AT600 transmitter’s internal keypad or by connecting the AT600 to a laptop PC and using GE Panametrics instrument interface software.

Opis produktu
Accuracy is typically one to two percent of reading with clamp-on transducers, and better than one percent with wetted transducers. Flow measurement range is 0.1 to 40 ft/s (0.03 to 12.2 m/s), for a turndown ratio of 400 to 1. Measurement is obstructionless, causing no pressure drop and is noncontaminating.

Zalety i korzyści
Noninvasive clamp-on or wetted transducers
Flow range 0.1 to 40 ft/s (0.03 to 12.2 m/s)
Velocity, volumetric and totaled flow
One analog output and one frequency/pulse totalizer output standard
Internal keypad for field programming
Low-cost package

Service Types
Calibration - In-House
Repair - In-house
Training - Application

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Adres: Wroclawska 14, 41-902 Bytom

Nr telefonu: +48 607 700 387 Skopiuj

Przy kontakcie powołaj się na portal wodkaneko.pl